Information from the Sunday bulletin and Weekly Update with current news, notes, and what's happening at Redeemer Church.
Redeemer Family News & Notes
Gospel & Grub
Redeemer is encouraging our church family to proclaim the gospel by inviting people to church on Easter and during the month of April. Do you know someone who doesn't attend Redeemer but should? Here are three simple steps to participate:
- Invite a first-time guest who isn't faithful to a healthy church to attend a service.
- Take them to a restaurant and buy them lunch after the service.
- Submit your receipt and a meal report through the Gospel & Grub link and the church will reimburse up to $75 of the total cost of the meal.
We hope this will encourage you to invite friends and loved ones to church, get to know them better, and have an opportunity to point them to Christ over a meal.
women's bunco party
You have asked for it! Save the date! April 20th from 1:30-4:00 PM. Back by popular demand we are having another afternoon of Bunco fun! If you can roll dice and like to socialize while snacking this is the event for you! We ask everyone to bring their favorite snack to share and a beverage for yourself.
RSVP today! -
Food Pantry Item of the Month
Cooking Oil (any kind)
Watch for different items each month. Please place donations in the Pantry grocery cart in the foyer or near the Pantry.
sunday nights for kids & teens
Praise Factory, our Sunday night program for preschool and elementary aged kids (3k-5th grade)! Praise Factory is a wonderfully fun and engaging program for sharing the gospel with kids, with extensive Biblical teaching in addition to Scripture memorization, music, activities, and games. Praise Factory will meet on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 PM, and we would love to see your children attend!
Fuse Student Ministries is Redeemer's weekly youth night for grades 6-12. On Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00 PM we come together for fellowship, worship, and to learn about Jesus. We do this in an environment that is loving, safe, and fun to strengthen relationships within Redeemer.
coming events
April 18 - Senior Saints (10:30a)
April 20 - Women's Bunco Party (1:30p)
May 11 - Sew (for the) Hungry to benefit the Food Pantry (9:30a)
May 19 - Congregational Meeting (10:30a)
May 19 - Family Roller Skating Party (6:00p)
June 01 - Redeemer Golf Outing
June 15 - Redeemer Bike Ride (9:00a)