There are many things going on every week here at Redeemer- resources for the family, opportunities for spiritual growth, invitations to explore the church a little deeper in small, easy steps.

So many have experienced the warmth and kindness of the Redeemer family and our hope is that as you investigate further, you will also find that same gracious spirit in this community that is so much more than “organized religion”. For us, it is family. And in this family, there is always room for you!

Please complete our Connect with Redeemer form to learn more.

  • Children's Church and Praise Factory programs encourage healthy relationships and nurture a genuine, personal faith in Jesus Christ. The Nursery provides an interactive environment where children have the opportunity to hear that they are precious, and God loves them. 

  • The Jr. and Sr. High ministry known as Fuse meets on Sundays at 6:00 PM. Come and check out our youth group as we combine fun, friendship and worship geared toward the next generation, with a message that is relevant to everyday life.

  • Equipping Classes • Small Groups • Spiritual Formation • Women's Ministry

    Here at Redeemer, we are a community of people who are seeking to become more and more like Jesus where we work, where we play, how we think and how we relate to others. No matter if you’re still searching for God or have been a follower of Jesus for a long time, the disciple making ministries at Redeemer offer everyone opportunities to go deeper with Him in the caring environment of a Christian community.